Saturday, October 29, 2011

best moment..

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear bloggers and readers.

we never knows our future


we know how to plan for our future :)

Just want to remember one of the best moment in my life.

Friday, October 28, 2011

.not to cry.

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear bloggers and readers.

Last night while I watching tv3, I read a Gen-Q. This is my first time I read and bought this magazine. The content I can tell u was superb! All the topic they discussed was related to our daily life. Good reminder to all of us and surely it's good reminder for me. Since I'm still at my hometown, still in the process of to make decision, I keep read La' tahzan. It's help me a lot to re-think back everything happened. To heal the feeling of (stress, sad, confuse.. everything lead me to burst out, if i have a chance, i want to scream out loudly...). Alhamdulillah. After I read this book, it's work. U seems can make u stay in positive way. 

I was a way from "them" for a week. Sometimes I confuse what I've done is wrong or it's good. Yes I admit sometimes I love break rules, but I hate to behave rude to eldest. This is not me. and I don't mean to hurt them. I can't do nothing. After I decides to go away from them, I've prefer to keep silent. I allowed them to say anything and I just keep silent. Sometimes silent is better than you speak. And Alhamdulillah, now I can calm down and I decided to stay until eid ul Adha. I prepared every consequences 'll happened to me. "No worries, Risha. Allah is always be with you". This sentences I keep reminds my self. 

....yes. I tried and keep try to be tough till now...

NO!.. you're not walk alone. Allah is always be with you.

The Prophet  said "You should always remember that Allah is with you wherever you are."
 ( Hadith At-Tirmidhi)

I put my trust to Allah's Messenger May Allah's peace and praise be on him said : There is a remedy for every malady, and the remedy is applied to disease it is cured with the permission of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious.
-Hadith- Sahih Bukhari, Book 25, Number 5466, Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah May Allah be pleased with him-

I do hope Allah keeps me strong to face this hardship till the end and He'll guide me to solve this problem. 

"The ailment is intensified for the righteous.  Whenever a believer is afflicted with a hardship, be it a thorn or more, a sin is taken off him because of it, and he is elevated on level (in Jannah [Paradise])."
-Recorded by Ahmad May Allah be pleased with him, verified authentic by al-Hakim, ath-Thahabi, and al-Albani


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Allah, please guide me.

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear bloggers and readers.

move forward


Sunday, October 9, 2011


In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear bloggers and readers.

Today is sunday. Suppose to be I'am at home.. but again.. now I still at my lab. Luckily I'm not alone. My seniors accompany me. She also has things need to be done. This delightful morning.. I got message from my senior usrah, today at 9.30 am will be held a talk entitled Isu- Isu Kekeluargaan dan Undang- Undang by Ustaz Zaini (JAJ) and Puan Sazira (Peguam Syarie) at Kompleks IKRAM Johor. 

Wow.. when my senior and I were there, I was surprised because most of them who attended the talk were.."mak-mak and ayah-ayah"...erk.. "Okey.. be cool Risha, maybe u'll learn something from this talk. who knows..right. :)
Then when the moderator start his was cool beb! I luv this talk. As I guess the talk will be interesting. 
They divided the issues into 2 parts. 
1) Ustaz Zaini will be discuss about how to create a "mawaddah sakinah" in one family.
2) What's consequences when a family was separated. 

As ustaz Zaini said, Islam is a system. Then, if we not follow one of the rules, or we just choose any rules that we loves, the system cannot be develop. So to build usrati jannati,..home sweet home, we must follow as what Allah want to. Marriage is one step to save our souls, complete our iman.  Wow...this is mean.. let to get marry! hee..:p

Now 6.30pm.. I think better i wait for maghrib before i start my experiment. Because it'll take around 2 hours to be finished. Wow.. another 2 hours more to go! chaiyo'! Now i feel thirsty! ...:( Nothing i can do.. Just focus to finish my experiment more early............then I can go home early!!!! 

Hey.. I found this picture at the lecturer's door. It sounds good then I snapped this picture.. :)

Ok then.. that's all for now.. jom perform solat maghrib.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear bloggers and readers.

Now I still in lab...

What r u doing?

Surely now I'm creating a new entry for my blog.. lol..:p

Haahahaa.. now I'm waiting to do next experiment that will be conducted around 9-10pm.
Wow.. so productive.. haha.. What should I do??? 
To make sure I still keep on my track.. target to finish my master next year..insya'Allah
I must sacrifice a lot...
a lot..
aaa loooootttt!!!!!!

I target to finish this experiment at 11 pm. Hopefully I can make it real!

next experiment is ..
  1. Centrifuge my culture ( my lovely *babies*) heee. to separate the pellet and supernatant..
  2. Then the pellet will be washed with 0.85% NaCl twice (this is salt that u used for cooking hookey!) hehee.. but this one special for analysis..
  3. Then transfer the pellet into new I introduce u..welcome.. Mr. Basalt salt!! ( Please give around of applause...:).hookkeeyy.. "be nice with my children, Mr Basalt Salt!"
  4. Then.. alhamdulillah.. that's all for today.

(The picture of my *babies* )... hey u! these are the bacteria that I isolated 
from the waste water at electronic industry near to JB..
Tonite i want feed them with new food.
I hope they will be happy ..:)

Okey.. that's all for now.
See uuu theeennn..


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

u made my day

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear bloggers and readers.

I just back from Toastmaster's meeting. Alhamdulillah. It had been along time I'm not attend the meeting. Until I got the warning email from from the board of the club, then I think twice either i want to continue my journey in toastmaster or not. Finally I decides to continue.

When I be there it seems like I met a group of people who just like me. I don't how to express what I'm feeling when I with 'em. They are a group or great people. They not just great in their carrier (I should not mention what's their job... exactly really good) but they also good in social life. How they warm u, treats u until u don't feel discrimination even though  owhh.... they're really SOMEONE out there. They share the knowledge, joys, loves with others.  I think I learned a lot when I be there. Even everybody comes from different culture and religion but they know what the value of RESPECT and APPRECIATE is.....

Oppss.. I should go sleep now. Suddenly I don't have idea what should I write.. K. that's all for now.

note: dun I just listen a korean song...and I love the lyric..."baby don't cry"..:)

K. Salamun'alaik.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hey U! Y so serious!

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Dear bloggers and readers.

Today i was upset. Do my statement look I'm such negative person? Owh, Sure.
Because, you never experience what I'm experienced.
It's really tired when you work hard to meet other people satisfaction.
Do I look like not sincere enough?
Yes. Sometimes. But I learned entice myself to feel happy with what I'm doing right now.
Allah, It's not because I'm not grateful with your gift,
But sometimes I'm lost. 
Day by day just pass like a wind...
I can't feel it..


I can't let myself down like this!
I can't let people fooling me!
I can't  let YOU 
treat me
Allah is always be with U!

Allah, let me to prove 

Allah, give me a strength to face this test. 

I cried 
Please heal this pain
I'm not such person
Please let me be a REAL ME

always made others happy

Allah, please grant my wish.

k. I want to get rest for a while...